Our work on 16 Days of Activism Against Violence on Women and Girls


The 16 Days of Activism Against Violence on Women and Girls is a global initiative designed to draw attention to and combat violence against women and girls. This year, The Hope Makers Organization for Women collaborated with PUI and the CDCS to participate in the 16 Days of Activism event, held at Duhok University in Iraq, as part of their commitment to this movement.

The event was organized by the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Working Group, under the supervision of Duhok's Governor, Dr. Ali Tatar. The Hope Makers for Women, an organization dedicated to empowering and supporting women, contributed to the success of the event by partnering with the Directorate of Combating Violence against Women (DCVAW). The Hope Makers for Women's participation in this event showcased their commitment to combatting this pervasive issue and promoting gender equality.

In addition to their contributions to the event, The Hope Makers for Women also launched an online campaign to address the issue of violence against women. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the various forms of violence that women and girls face and why the color orange is chosen to represent these 16 days.

The efforts of Hope Makers extended beyond the initial scope, collaborating with Al-Mesalla and UNFPA to support the Safe Future for Women initiative. The staff of The Hope Makers in Sinjar and Sinuni conducted informative sessions in schools and the community at large to raise awareness about the prevalence of violence against women and girls. These sessions aimed to educate and empower individuals to recognize and report any form of violence they may encounter or witness.

One of the highlights of the event was the participation of adolescent girls who are beneficiaries of The Hope Makers for Women's programs. They took to the stage to address different types of violence and share their personal experiences. This act of bravery and resilience not only raised awareness in the community but also empowered these young girls to speak out and advocate for their rights.

The executive director of The Hope Makers for Women, Dr. Nagham Hassan, expressed her pride in seeing these activities being carried out during the 16 Days of Activism. She stated, 'During these 16 Days of Activism Against Violence on women and girls, we must unite against this widespread issue affecting females worldwide. The time has come to speak out, question societal norms, and advocate for a world free of violence. By working together, we can create a significant impact and bring about a positive change.'

The Hope Makers for Women's participation in the 16 Days of Activism event and their ongoing efforts to combat violence against women and girls showcase their dedication and commitment to creating a safer and more equal world for all. They are an inspiration to many and a beacon of hope for those who have been affected by violence. Let us all join hands and work towards a future where no woman or girl has to live in fear of violence.