Hope Makers Organization for Woman Honors the Memory of the Kocho Massacre on Its 10th Anniversary


On this solemn day, Hope Makers Organization for Woman reflects on the tragic events of August 15th, 2014, when ISIS seized control of most of the Sinjar region and surrounded the village of Kocho. This horrific act led to the murder of hundreds of innocent men, the violent separation of families, the abduction of women and children, the massacre of the elderly, and the forced displacement of the entire Kocho community. 

A decade has passed since the Kocho massacre, yet the scars of this atrocity remain deep. The survivors and former residents of Kocho continue to struggle with the trauma of their experiences. The village, once a thriving community, now lies in ruin, and many of its displaced residents still lack access to basic life necessities due to the widespread destruction. 

HMOW calls for justice and support for the Kocho community. We urge the international community to recognize the ongoing suffering and to take concrete steps to aid in the rebuilding of Kocho. It is crucial that we remember those who were lost and work towards collective healing through memorialization initiatives. 

HMOW also highlights and condemns the hate speech and racism toward Yazidis, recognizing that these acts of bigotry and discrimination contribute to the ongoing marginalization and suffering of the Yazidi community. 

The resilience of the Kocho community in the face of such devastation is a testament to their strength, and they deserve the world's support in reclaiming their lives and rebuilding their homes. We stand in solidarity with the survivors and commit to honoring the memory of the Kocho massacre, ensuring that it is never forgotten.