16 Days of Activism


The Hope Makers Organization for Women is proud to have contributed and participated to the 16 Days of Activism of combating violence against Women and Girls event held in Duhok University. This event was organized by the GBV Working Group, under the supervision of Duhok's Governor, Dr. Ali Tatar. Hope Makers for Women contributed with the Directorate of Combating Violence against Women (DCVAW) to help ensure the success of the event.In order to reach out to a larger audience, the organization distributed flyers containing information on their services and activities to the attendees of the event. In addition, Hope Makers organization displayed the hand crafts and items created by Hope Makers beneficiaries.In particular, the Hope Makers Organization for Women is dedicated to helping survivors of violence in the Sinjar region, home to many Yazidi people. Hope Makers' mission is to provide psychological, social, physical, legal and economic assistance to survivors of violence, and to promote the rights of women and girls through awareness campaigns and training.Thanks to CDCS and Première Urgence Internationale for providing support for Hope Makers Organization to participate in this event.