Sunday-Thursday from 8:30am-3:30pm

Safe Future For Women


Main areas of our focus

MHPSS Protection

The Hope Makers organization has prioritized addressing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) issues, combating violence, and promoting equality between women and men, with a particular focus on providing support to survivors of ISIS.

Capacity Building

One of our organization's fundamental principles is to augment the skills and knowledge of IDPS, community members, local employees, and other stakeholders through advanced training and workshops.

 Relief & Community Development

Our aim is to provide assistance to communities affected by disasters through our humanitarian aid efforts. Our primary objective is centered on fostering community development through the implementation of innovative and effective methods that ensure sustainable impact. 

Human rights and Advocacy

Our values prioritize an independent advocacy role in safeguarding an individual's human rights. We aim to provide equal access to justice, irrespective of any discriminatory aspects. This involves promoting an individual's autonomy and choice while ensuring their voice and opinion are acknowledged and given due consideration.

This is our story

Hope Maker Organization for Women,

HMOW is a local organization located in Iraq. Established at 2016 After ISIS invasion to Sinjar Area by Doctor Nagham Nawzat Hassan, Dr. Nagham is the Psychologist and director of HMOW, she was working since 2014 for the issue of supporting women and treatment of the women survivors faces. More than 1200 cases of survivors was followed by Dr.Nagam. she won many awards regarding women's support and treatments as here are her personal awards from international organizations.








